Black & White Image To Color

 Black & White Image To Color

    Color is so important in photos because it gives photos emotion. Color helps artists tell their desired story. I wanted to express how important color is in images for this project. Below are 3 different colored variations of a black & white photo. I could add color to the photo by utilizing the mask, color fill, and blending mode tools in Photoshop.

    For the first photo, I used an analogous color scheme. As you can see, the dull black-and-white photo quickly turns into a "loud" and expressive photo that causes the viewer to think. I kept this mood constant with the creation of my next variation which included a monochromatic color scheme. This photo gives off a similar "loud" vibe but is a little more unified. The final photo is more scattered due to the split complementary color scheme I used. This photo looked more realistic than the others due to the life-like color assigning.


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