Photoshop Animation Research
Video #1: This video went over very simply for the animation in Photoshop. I really like how the video was short and to the point. It did not drag out unnecessary elements to animating. I think navigating the new animating window will be a little tricky initially, but eventually, I will get the hang of it. When I first used Photoshop, I thought the tools were tough to learn, but now I easily navigate the application. Video #2: The person in this video went over how to keyframe an animation. I liked how a simple animation was used as an example. I think I will understand how to keyframe quickly, but I am worried that I will not understand how to manipulate a drawing as easily. How do I add expression and give my drawing personality? I hope those questions will be answered in class. I am looking forward to acquiring new photoshop skills. Video #3: This video showed the entire process of taking an idea and turning it into an animation. I really lik...