
 Calligram : Roots To Success 

    Below you will find my calligram titled "Roots To Success". It includes a letter I wrote to myself in 20 years. This piece expresses the current state of life and wishes the best for my future self. I expressed that the things I am doing now are paving the way for success in the future. The brown leaves represent the "buds" I am fostering now. The green leaves represent the good things that will "blossom" because of my hard work. I also included my original letter, my original drawing, and the image I took inspiration from. 

    To create this calligram the main tool in Adobe Illustrator that I utilized was the "Pen Tool". This allowed me to create the tree drawing. After I created the tree drawing I used the "Type on a Path Tool". This allowed me to insert my text in the shape of the tree. I used the color brown for the roots and green for the leaves to try and accurately portray real roots and leaves. Without these tools, I would not have been able to do the project.

Original Letter:

Dear Future Self,

            Today is January 28, 2024. The new year has just begun, and I have just started a brand-new semester at the University of Tampa. I am enjoying all my classes and really think that I will learn a lot from them. I am trying to get as involved as I can on-campus and off-campus. I am a part of the Entrepreneurship Club, CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ), Bridges International, Photography Club, & the FBC Young Adults Group. I currently have three campus jobs that keep me busy. I create media for both the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center and the ELS Center. I also chaperone international students at the ELS Center. On the weekends I invigilate the Global English test. I have enjoyed living in Tampa. I am not a big fan of how hot it is, but the vibrant city makes up for that. This city is filled with so many great opportunities. You never know who you are going to meet. The professors at UT have also been very helpful in making sure I reach success. They are very easy to work with and kind. I am so thankful for the life I get to live and the people who have made it even more enjoyable along the way. I’m very thankful for my family and how much they love and care for me. I view this stage of my life as I steppingstone to getting where I need to be and getting what I want out of life. I just hope that I find joy in the future. I hope that I am stable and have a wonderful family to experience life with. I wish to come home every day with satisfaction of the day’s work. I want life to be saturated and full of fun experiences. I want to make my current and future family proud.


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