Adobe Illustrator HW 1

 Adobe Illustrator HW 1

    Video #1: Pen Tutorial

       This video goes over how to use the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator. I liked how the person recreated really unique shapes. I have used Illustrator for about 3 years, so I have experience with using the pen tool but I still have some trouble with certain concepts. With work I did in the past, I have only used the pen tool for simple functions. Some of these include straight lines and circles which are easy for me. I have yet to really create complex shapes before. However, that is something that I would like to learn. I think that will be a useful skill I need to know. It will make things easier for me to know how to make a shape by myself rather than searching for a pre-made PNG on the internet. I am excited to learn more about the pen tool in class. 

    Video #2Text Tutorial

        This video went over how to use the text tool. I really liked how it went over what a vector is. That is really useful to know when working with all Adobe programs and working professionally. I have experience with using the text tool and understand a lot of the concepts. I have no problem creating text and changing the font, color, size, etc. However, I would like to learn more about how to modify the text and create my own version of the text. This would allow me to make my text more personable. 

    Video #3Clipping Mask Tutorial

        This video covered how to use the clipping mask tool. I liked how the man used realistic textures for his examples. He showed us practical ways to use the clipping mask. I have experience using the clipping mask in Photoshop, but don't have much experience using it in Illustrator. I would like to learn more about this tool so I can create better graphics. This will definitely improve the logos I create and allow me to add more personality to them. 


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