
Showing posts from April, 2024


  Portfolio     Below my portfolio that includes all of the work that I have completed this semester in Digital Media. I included all of the units we covered as well as my artists statements. I also added some extra work that I created.        Template Credit to Sirisako:

Business Card

Business Card     I am planning on studying abroad next semester in Japan. It is customary in the Japanese culture to exchange "meishi cards, " which are essentially business cards. Below are 3 different variations of my meishi card as well as the sketches I drew beforehand. Each one includes a different color variation of the logo I had previously made. The front of the card is in Japanese and the back is in English. I wanted to give off a simplistic, but unique feel to my card. I am excited about the opportunity to exchange this meishi card and hope it inspires others to create their own business card!  


  Postcard     As someone who is not a Tampa native, moving to Tampa has been a pleasant experience. I have been delighted with the aspects of Tampa that make it what it is: the food, architecture, beaches, and opportunities the city provides. One of those opportunities is the adequate resources to view the solar eclipse this year. I wanted to convey my satisfaction by creating a postcard in Adobe InDesign. I started by getting a photo of the eclipse online and placing it into the application. I then added shapes and text to create an inviting feel. The text reads, "The eclipse is coming...view it in Tampa." I conveyed that Tampa is a great place to view the eclipse. On the next page, I added my tag brush, text reading "Florida," and a symbol of the sun. I also included lines for the sender to write a note to the receiver. I hope this postcard inspires someone to come to Tampa and enjoy the eclipse.

Adobe Indesign Research

Adobe Indesign Research V ideo #1: Text Tool     This video went over how to use the pen tool. I liked how the video got straight to the point. I think the text tool will be rather easy to learn in InDesign. Because I have experience using the text tool in Photoshop, the text tool in InDesign is very similar. The only thing that could be different is the method in which you center and align the text. Since InDesign is the standard in the industry for print companies, alignment is extremely important. I imagine I will learn how to properly align my text to make it look professional.  Video #2: Exporting      The second video talked about how to print a project in InDesign. I really liked the design that the creator had made in the video. It showed how powerful of an application InDesign is. Once a magazine company finishes working on a project in InDesign, they must print it. Making sure the print comes out how the company desires is crucial. ...


  Animation     Inspiration and encouragement are something everyone desires. With that in mind, I chose to create an encouraging animation. The GIF below starts off by showcasing clouds passing through the sky. The camera is then shifted upward to show stars passing. A UFO then swoops in on the screen only to quickly go back off the screen. I wanted the viewers to feel like they were up in the sky. The words "ou got this" then appear on the screen and then the letter "y" slides in front of the "ou". I originally had the text stating "ou got this" hoping the viewers would read it phonetically. If you say it phonetically it sounds like "We got this". This expresses the notion that no one is living this life alone. We can all lean on each other for help. Soon after, the words slide off the screen to reveal my tag brush and end credits. I hope this animation inspires others not only in everyday life but also in animation.